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                          JIAN WU(吴健)硕士生导师




                                                   IMU, South Campus, Potato Center Room 304

教育经历 Education                                                                                            

博士 Ph.D.

水土科学Soil and Water Science)        佛罗里达大学 University of Florida )        2011-2015          

硕士 M.S.

草业科学Turfgrass Science        北京林业大学 Beijing Forestry University              2008-2011

学士 B.S.

林学Forestry                                         东北林业大学Northeast Forestry University      2004-2008

工作经历 Work experience                                                                                          

  • 副教授/内蒙古大学 (Associated Professor, Inner Mongolia University)                     2024/01 - 至今

  • 讲师/内蒙古大学  (Lecture, Inner Mongolia University)                                           2019/10 – 2023/12  

  • 博士后/佛罗里达大学    (Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Florida)    2016/01 – 2019/01

科研领域 Research area                                                                                               

马铃薯病原细菌致病机制 (Pathogenic Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogens in Potatoes)

马铃薯细菌/真菌/卵菌病害病原分布及群体进化特征 (Distribution and Population Evolution Characteristics of Bacterial/Fungal/Oomycete Pathogens in Potato Diseases)

马铃薯根际微生物群落构建机制 (Mechanisms of Potato Rhizosphere Microbial Community Assembly)

马铃薯病害人工智能识别 (Artificial Intelligence Identification of Potato Diseases)

耕作措施轮作防控土传病害的微生物机制 (Microbial Mechanisms of Crop Rotation for Controlling Soilborne Diseases)

科研项目 Grants                                                                                               

  • 主持(PI)  内蒙古大学高层次人才启动经费(IMU Start Funding)  2020-202230万) 

  • 主持(PI)  内蒙古自然科学基金面上项目 (NSF of Inner Mongolia)       2022-2024 10 万)

  • 主持(PI)  国家自然科学基金青年项目 NSFA)           2023-2025 30 万)

  • 主要参与人(Key Participants) 国家马铃薯技术产业体系 China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA)                              2021-2025 275万)

授课 Teaching                                                                                                                      

  • 本科课程 (Undergraduate Courses):分子生物学 (Molecular Biology

  • 研究生课程 (Graduate Courses): 植物病理学(Plant Pathology

                                                            植物病害防治(Plant Protection)

                                土壤微生物学(Soil Microbiology   

著作 Books                                                                                                                          

《马铃薯主要病虫害识别与防治》       中国农业出版社(ISBN: 978-7-109-19986-6)      

· Wu J., Zhang R., Feng Z. & Zhang Z. 2023. Bacterial Diseases of Potato. In: Identification and Management of Major Diseases and Pests on Potao (pp.2-12). China Agriculture Press.

· Wu J., Zhu J., Shan W. & Quan L. 2023. Fungal Diseases of Potato. In: Identification and Management of Major Diseases and Pests on Potao(pp.13-39). China Agriculture Press.


马铃薯品种登记 (Potato cultivar registration)                                                           

马铃薯内大2号(登记编号:GPD马铃薯(2023)150056)(Ruofang Zhang, Qinghua Sun, Jian Wu)        

文章 Manuscript (*通讯作者Corresponding author)                                                  

1. Sun Y., Handique U., Sun Q., Feng Z., Zhang R*., Zhou X*., Wu J*. 2024. Comparative genomic and transcriptome analyses of two Pectobacterium brasiliense strains revealed distinct virulence determinants and phenotypic features. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1362283.

2.Wu J., Duan J., Zhang C., Zhang R., Handique U. *2024. First Report of Streptomyces brasiliscabiei Causing Common Scab on Potato in China. Plant Disease. 

3. Zhang S., Zhang C., Wu J., Liu S., Zhang R., Handique U. *2024. Isolation, characterization and application of noble bacteriophages targeting potato common scab pathogen Streptomyces stelliscabieiMicrobiological Research, Accepted.

4. Wu J., et al. 2024. Isolation and characterization of lytic bacteriophages infecting Pectobacterium atrosepticum. European Journal of Plant Pathology. Accepted.

5. Wu J., et al. 2024Species diversity of Pectobacterium spp. causing potato aerial stem rot in China. Plant Disease. Plant Disease. Accepted.

6. Wu J., et al. 2023. First Report of Streptomyces niveiscabiei Causing Potato Common Scab in Shanxi and Gansu, China. Plant Disease.doi: 10.1094/PDIS-06-23-1039-PDN

7. Wu J., et al. 2023First Report of Pectobacterium parvum Causing Diseases on Potato in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant Disease. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-06-23-1116-PDN

8. Handique U., Wu Y. J. , Liu Y., Duan J. , Lv J. , Zhang R. F.*  and Wu J.*2023. First Report of Pectobacterium versatile Causing Blackleg on Potato in Xinjiang and Heilongjiang Province, China.Plant Disease.doi: org/10.1094/PDIS-11-22-2595-PDN

9. Handique, U., Cao, Y. N., Wang, D. Li, W., Sun, Q., Feng, Z., Zhang, R. and Wu, J.* 2022. First Report of Pectobacterium punjabense Causing Blackleg and Soft Rot on Potato in Hebei and Fujian Province, China. Plant Disease.doi: org/10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2731-PDN

10. Handique, U., Zhang, R.F., Zhang, Z.X., Feng, Z.W., Sun, Q.H. and Wu, J.* 2021. First Report of Streptomyces stelliscabiei Causing Potato Scab in Guizhou Province, China. Plant Disease. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-06-21-1242-PDN

11. Handique, U., Cao, Y. N., Feng, Z.W., Sun, Q.H., Zhang, R.F., and Wu, J.* 2021. First Report of Pectobacterium polaris Causing Blackleg on Potato in Inner Mongolia and Sichuan Province, China. Plant Disease.doi: org/10.1094/PDIS-08-21-1788-PDN

12. Cao, Y. N., Sun, Q. H., Feng, Z. W., Handique, U., Wu, J., Li, W. S. and Zhang, R. F.* 2021. First Report of Pectobacterium parmentieri Causing Blackleg on Potato in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant Disease. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-11-20-2502-PDN

13. Wu, J. and Johnson, E.G.* 2020. Phytophthora nicotianae infection of citrus leaves and host defense activation compared to root infection. Phytopathology, 110 (8): 1437-1448

14. Alferez, F., Wu, J. and Graham, J.H.* 2020. Phospholipase D response to water stress in citrus roots and leaves. Agronomy 2020, 10(1), 45 doi:10.3390/agronomy10010045

15. Feng Z., Cao Y., Sun Q., Li W, Wu J., Zhang Ruofang.* 2020. Toxicity measurement of ten bactericides on Pectobacterium spp. in Potato. Chinese Potato Journal, 34(05): 281-289

16.  Wu, J., Johnson, E.G., Bright, D.B., Graham, J.H.* 2018.Up regulation of PR1 and less disruption of hormone and sucrose metabolism in roots is associated with lower susceptibility to ‘Candidatus Liberbacter asiaticus’. Plant Pathology. 67(6), 1426-1435. DOI: 10.1111/ppa.12838.

17. Wu, J., Johnson, E.G., Bright, D.B., Graham, J.H.* 2018. Contrasting canopy and fibrous root damage on Swingle citrumelo caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and Phytophthora nicotianae. Plant Pathology 67, 202-209.

18. Wu, J., Johnson, E.G., Bright, D.B., Graham, J.H.* 2017. Interaction between Phytophthora nicotianae and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus damage to citrus fibrous roots. Journal of Citrus pathology 4(1). eScholarship (University of California)

19. Johnson, E.G., Wu, J., Bright, D.B., Graham, J.H.*2014. Association of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus root infection, but not phloem plugging with root loss on huanglongbingaffected trees prior to appearance of foliar symptoms. Plant Pathology. 63, 290–298

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  • Editor Board

    Physiological and molecular plant pathology 

  • Journal manuscript reviewer

    Physiological and molecular plant pathology

    Biocontrol science and technology

    Plant science

    Scientia Horticulturae

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